In 2019 the Daumier Register discovered 2 original oil paintings by Daumier which had been considered lost for more than 100 years. Both paintings had been listed under DR7261 and DR7262 by us. They are both rather unusual works by the Master:

DR7261 showing a fight between horses


and DR7262 showing Jesus Christ put to rest.


DR7261 had been purchased by the great Daumier connoisseur and researcher Nicole-Auguste Hazard, from Orrouy (France) at the Diot auction at Drouot, Paris in March 1897. Ever since then this work had remained in the Hazard Family.

DR7262 was seen by Klossowski in the Hazard Collection. Details described in “Honoré Daumier”, incl. Supplement, Munich, 1923, nr. 79, p. 92nr. 79, p. 52. Ever since then the painting had remained with the heirs of Hazard.